Gemstone Bullet  Studs - Bing Bang Jewelry NYC
Gemstone Bullet  Studs - Bing Bang Jewelry NYC
Gemstone Bullet  Studs - Bing Bang Jewelry NYC
Gemstone Bullet  Studs - Bing Bang Jewelry NYC
Gemstone Bullet  Studs - Bing Bang Jewelry NYC
Gemstone Bullet  Studs - Bing Bang Jewelry NYC
Gemstone Bullet  Studs - Bing Bang Jewelry NYC
Gemstone Bullet  Studs - Bing Bang Jewelry NYC

Gemstone Bullet Studs

Description | Material | Size

Delicate bullet / soft spiked shaped gemstones form these petite studs.

Chic, minimal, modern styling with a litttttttle punk edge.


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Flowering Crystal Stud - LIMITED EDITION SAMPLE


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